MetaTrader Expert Advisor (EA) Builder Test

“Visual Traders Studio (VTS) is a Free Range, UNLIMITED, Drag and Drop MetaTrader Expert Advisor Builder”

What Others are Saying ...

Marlin MVTS User and Forex Trader

Just a quick note to tell you I am absolutely amazed by VTS. This is such an awesome program, and I think I've only scratched the surface so far with what can be done with this app. I've been retrenched, bought your app, and I must say this is such an awesome investment :). I'm going to use VTS to write EA's and resell on the MQL Market. Thank you so much for the work you've put into this app, WOW. Absolutely no buyer's remorse with this one!

James PVTS Trial User

 Mind Blown! 

Using VTS to build the initial MQL file is amazing. After some research and experimenting, I was ableto output the desired tick data, in a very versatile format. Of course this opens a bigger door...ugggggggggg ... I so enjoy building tools and the VTS appears to be the perfect enabler. I'm not sure if this is a good thing or the beginning of my obsession. Thank you for making available the trial.

Dave HendersonVTS User and Forex Trader

What an absolute dream your software has been. Thanks to you, I'll never have to buy another product to achieve the same aim again. Nothing gets even close to this. Absolutely marvelous and I just wish I found out about your software earlier. Truly brilliant Dave.

Peter Thorpe VTS User and Forex Trader

VTS has given me the ability to simply “connect the dots” and test an entry or money management idea in way less than an hour. It is so easy to correct my logic or change an input and try another EA . . . just like that! Dave has provided an impressive training video library and enough sample EAs so that I was literally building my own EAs in the first 24 hrs . . . this after years of frustration trying to learn to program or paying others to program. Kind of freaked me out actually!

Can’t thank you all enough. The daily emails have great tips and tricks, keep them coming.

Thanks VTS!

Peter Thorpe

Chris G VTS User and Forex Trader

Thank you, how brilliant I think the development environment and video training guides are. Thank you.

Vener G VTS User and Forex Trader

You created a really good system and I admire your job. Creating EA has never been easier! Definitely advise it to my friends!

Carlos SilvaVTS User and Forex Trader

I use software as a control engineer and I use VTS in my projects. Great products and great Support!

David WilliamsCEO iExpertAdvisor, Creator of VTS

The Visual Traders Studio Expert Advisor Builder is the result of years of development, honed by consistently applying the feedback we receive from our clients in over 90 countries worldwide. VTS is a better product because our clients are active traders and they help us deliver the most useful and flexible EA Builder on the market.