VTS EA Builder Software Update
VTS EA Builder Software Update: Latest version is
The VTS MetaTrader 4 Expert Advisor Builder has been updated.
To update VTS from within VTS, go to Help->Check For Updates
Download VTS Expert Advisor Builder here
Release Notes
Visual Traders Studio – Connect README
Congratulations and Thank You for purchasing The Visual Traders Studio (also called VTS for short)
Please follow these steps to get started:
Step 1. Download and install the VTS installation package
Step 2. Start VTS
Step 3. Enter your email address and license code to unlock VTS.
When you start VTS for the first time, you will be prompted to enter the email address
that you used to purchased VTS and the license code included in your email.
Step 4.
To get started with VTS, go to the “Help->Getting Started” menu. This will open a help
file and get you familiar with VTS as well as provide some tutorials on using VTS.
Release Notes
Find all mt platforms on programs x86
EzEmail update to support unicode strings
Add MT platform name to vts border
Add user preference to open MQL in tab
add link to full length tutorial on welcome page
Add function fnFindObjectByName to object menu
Add function fnFindObjectByType to object menu
Add Plug-in info to most tooltips (mouse-overs)
Ghost element if model-data is not found
Add User tab to Input Manager
Add MagicNumber to chart comment
Bug fix: do not put quotes around a string parameter if the name is a defined variable of type string
Welcome page update: add HowTo Video links
Only allow default value to be set for Extern/Input variables
List all plug-ins on option tab
Set ‘copy EA to all folders’ to true when first starting VTS
Order history plug-in support
List all plug-ins for club members in license tab
Enable signal plug-in for club members
System Drag and Drop support on Welcome screeen
Club update
catch path exception on drawlinks
fix to fnGetOrderInfo total orders calculation
update userbasefolder on save so drawing changes are saved correctly
check for null processes when loading editor or platform
add user-defined DownLoadFolder property
Fix mql output name when it is based on the MT platform folder
TTM fix to OkToTrade logic(changed bool to int)
Recognize function return variables as strings to prevent adding quotes
Fix adding favorites to toolbox (broken with check name function)
Add marketscore support
build600/mql5 updates
New design of the Tools->Options->Platform page to enter info needed from MT platform
save-as fix: drawing functions 2 levels deep were assigned the wrong name
delete input parameters when removed from input manager
fix: mql functions not correctly identified as function or snippet
set true end to true when creating new drawing if return type is boolean
remove indicators from variable->assign choose menu
chart-object plugin fix: allow multiple same-type objects to be drawn on chart
build600/mql5 updates
include mt4 commpilers vts install (mql.exe, mql64.exe)
use included compiler if not found in MT platform
save-as fix, prevent race condition when drawing is saved
fix help type in fnGetHighest
fix for custom indicator parameters not being saved
fix for custom indicator parameters always set to default values
remove auto-determine function or snippet for MQL functions
show all values used when compiling: compiler, parameters, output files
build600/mql5 updates
add CopyTo folders
copy EAs to AppData folders
fix platform test syntax error
fix fnIsTrendLineBroken parameter for switch statement
add include switch to compile command
don’t show non-plug-in in product list
move URLs to file
fix function-power trend up error
fix element save with name change
delete strategy zip file
add log message for all EA copies
remove duplicate values in InputManager
disable name textbox for all managers
remove radio button from MQL function to detect snippet
build600/mql5 updates
source custom indicators from correct folder depending on compiler (metalang or mql)
copy EAs, scripts and ea-indictaors to MQL4 folders
fix fngrid issues with arrays reference
fix for MessageBoxW (wide string)
set correct folders when tool paths are updated
search for new compiler by nmae if old compiler not found
fix save-as issues
create externs & sys managers when building new system
save all managers when saving or save-as system
fix name of setting for ea indicator prefix
change mql function check to always return snippet unless function is selected
only use multi-platform screen
build600/mql5 updates
fix fibo default parameters
copy EA to MQL4 folder
changes to grid code to support mql5
save candlestick parms with different container names
catch exception when dropping into treeview in toolbox
mql5 updates
remove period from FIB defines
normalize carriage returns
autosearch for mql.exe if metalang.exe is not found
allow new compiler (mql.exe) to be selected
change bid/ask in test functions to work on any pair
Allow user-function drawing parameters to be modified, including data type
fix parameter variables not found on candle drawings
fix logfile error with ezmail (same string declared twice)
remove platform variables from toolbox
indicator-ea support
fix metaeditor path when opening script
reload IDF file each time custom indicator is configured
allow custom indicator to be refershed without restarted VTS
Allow icustom name parameter to be a variable (no quotes)
Add radio buttons to MQL element for function or code snippet
Fix auto-link on drawings
Add Test function to toolbox
Write version, etc to MQL file
Show build number on price chart
Fix bug with drawing functions that return void
Set default slippage parameter to Slippage (not 3) for close functions
Partial Close support
In fnclose funciton change symbol to ordersymbol
Bug fix: change datatype text for color, from Color to color
Remove code for TTM extern support (causes issue if set in older system)
Fix “invalid path” exception thrown during first startup if platform folder is not set
Bug fix: drawing function not created when d/d.
changed forum link and text
fix to fnRemoveLines Grid function
added lost parameter choices to fnGetOpenOrder
center screen for syntax check
fnClose parameters not saving latest data
Bug fix: prevent systems from growing very large (and loading slow) when functions with parameters use messages.
MQL Mentor support
Signal Aggregator updates:
allow naming & drawing on chart
support commas as decimal seperator
fix to input naming
allow building with unconfigured logic & MQL
Support loading packages from platform folder
Fix for fnClose not saving properly on CloseBuy/Sell drawings
Update details text in function cfg window to explain variable name
Update strategy download process
Change choose-button behaviour for inline-function selection in logic
fix ea wizard (add MaxLots variable)
clean up some MQL code depencies
update splash/title
support for wp/yt uploads (debug only)
Bug fix for zero-value stoploss and takeproft
allow selecting and configuring function from logic condition
open and configure functions and drawings from treeview
Add any-level check to Fibonacci Plug-in
Create input-parm from any parameter
Strategy tab connect to wordpress
Bug fix for NextSignal Manager. Fixed problem where any NextSignal Manager selection prevented trades from opening.
fix trendline functions so they enumerate correct names
update all MQL functions on Advance menu to return correct data type
add mql function SendNotification
support Fibonacci Trader
update parameter control, add choose button
don’t auto-link init & deinit functions
don’t build MQL-code functions when dragged from advanced menu
add decimal to MM value so MQL to treats value as a double
check if ezemail file exists before trying to open
TTM updates
set default end value when not configured
allow string variable to ve set for ordersend symbol
add maxlots check and show on chart
fix check for maxsells/maxbuys
test wizard fix (changes to fnOkToOpen)
fix getElements for string value, was datetime
add emergency stop values (not used from here)
fix TP choose button disabled on fnopenorder on TS check
fix comma as decimal sep, ovveride UpdateEditText
remove show as input option for gmt offset
exit function fix for non-chart symbols
client-side stops support
show trading-disabled reasons on chart
add magic mumber to trade comment
remove ezemail inputs from input manager
bug fix: trade time logic fix for => condition
bug fix: copy logic parenthesis info
profit manager support
bug fix: fixed trade time parameters loading in reverse
bug fix: keep parameters controls from being squeezed when form is smaller for large function cfg windows
added pending order support fnGetOrderInfo:
internal functions to save diagram as jpeg image
flat zip-like file support
added candle pattern functions
bug fix: system save-as, add tag to function tablenode object
TTM: return -1 for open_none rule
TTM: only include fnClose for close rules
TTM: reverse end hours & minutes for usability
bug: fnGetOpenOrderInfo not using selection parms corrrectly
move var declarations up
bug: set ci folder when primary platform is added
update app.config to use proxy server if found
register email COM object during install
bug fix: system save-as, update element tooltip
add fnBarExitTest to Bar menu
if variable already saved, open cfg to assignment tab
bug fix: update mql functions return type: day,dayofweek..Year
bug fix: update mql functions return type: orderdelete, orderclose, ordercloseby
set element in property window when selected on treeview
replace commas with periods in MM numeric up/down control
bug fix: set default value for var – caused syntax error
add offset area to var assignment
support for profit-exit plug-in
added dependency support to minimize warnings
changed t/s to <= & >= (allow equal)
help update: package & share
feature: support multi-platform plug-in
various bug fixes
bug: fix trailinstop to only make adjustments in one direction (up for buy, down for sell)
feature: add package support to tools->options menu
write VTS version to details tab of license screen
help file updates
feature: add more warning/error message
feature: grid plug-in support
help file updates
bug: fix MQL code in function fnGetHighest
feature: Allow plug-in usage for X days
feature: call chart comment function from every end element on main-system drawing
feature: update link to best-way-to-learn-vts
bug: fixed error when conditon #2 was removed from a logic
bug: fixed error on caneling logic after deleting a condition
feature: open drawings from treeview
feature: allow all functions to be added to favorite list
feature: drop-link, auto connect links to new element if dropped on a link
feature: on closing, do not prompt to save drawings if they have not changed
bug: fixed symbol string issue with trailing stop, order modify and order close
bug: add 5 minute timeframe
bug: add account equity
bug: fix orderclose percent when division was performed
feature: Add point profit to fngetorderinfo
feature: trendline support
bug: add quotes to symbol strings so build does not break
feature: allow inputs to be deleted
bug: sort inputs correctly
bug: set extern default value from opentrade mgr
feature: increased max vars, uses random num, may reduce available size of user-name vars
bug: change “journal” text to “experts tab”
bug: allow same-name variable to be set to multiple values on drawing
bug: fix for lost function info when message is cleared
bug: move location of ezemail var list
bug: remove read-only idf files
bug: fix error with TTM and sell orders
feature: memory improvements to handle larger drawings (force GC)
feature: added thread to start-up faster
feature: added hello page
feature: added new link “best-way…”
feature: increase maxdepth and maxnames for large drawing
feature: removed adding quotes to strings, user must enter all quotes if needed
bug: nested drawing functions not referenced correctly
feature: email support
feature: enhance help: added all html files to distribution (big)
bug: fixed help targets
bug: fix input manager losing variables after save/close/open
bug: fix legacy key size compare
bug: parameter variables were set to value inside function
bug: close all not closing unsaved function drawings
feature: candle support
feature: load platform elements only at startup; system elements are
loaded when the system is loaded
bug: restict non-ascii characters (besides underscore) from all data entry
bug: fix save-as to save system to correct folder
bug: bug, add ECN function call to TestWizard
feature: write platform function comments/help to details tab
feature: add new function to trade menu: fnCloseAll
bug: fix how-to link on welcome page
bug: remove global scope for variable until real global variable support
bug: update trial-version access
bug: vts hangs on start – file for a function with parameters and messages becomes large
bug: set default prices (Bid or Ask) for open/close buy/sell orders
feature: set price correctly when changing ordertype on fnopenorder fncloseorder
bug: fix url names
bug: set non-functioning file tabs to un-selectable
bug: fix pending status of license key
feature: allow multiple license keys to be entered
bug: fix – trailing stop checkbox disabled after saving
bug: input manager extern variables did not use default value
bug: input manager save-disabled because of name not available
bug: close file handle on ZIP file
Bug: ECN modify defined Ticket parameter as Double, changed to Integer.
Bug: Crossover logic created incorrect when using shift parameter (i).
feature: add ECN support: create ECN input variable and generate code
bug: if function fnOpenOrder is not saved, use default parameters, not zeros
bug: fix help links on welcome screen
feature: add new function fnFixLot
bug: add fnFixLot call to all order functions
feature: add new types to fnGetOpenOrderInfo
bug: fix crossover build: if indicator function was never opened, cross value was not generated correctly
bug: next signal manager: type with return variable in fnOkToTrade
bug: money management: change dataype to double; changed magnitude for smaller numbers
bug: logic greatet than 10 cause build error: logic was alpha sorted, not numerical sorted
bug: after trial expiration, allow license to be entered
bug: Do not allow extended ascii chars in element names
feature: add new functions to Bar menu:
bug: Vts Function not cleared after removing from drawing and building in MQL engine
bug: Mql function not building, name not found, injected with vts-func support
feature: Add installer to setup project to change folder permission
bug: Close all was not clearing selected system, not always called made to model to clear lists
bug: removed parameter variable scope on system drawing
bug: added parse exact to support all cultures
feature: version 1 of Connect Help file
bug: fixed CHART error when selecting CHART for the symbol in fnTrailingStop
bug: tester fix, mql func names were unnamed, lists were not cleared (fnOKtoTrade)
bug: fixed function files for window* functions, added “chart” to pick list
bug: fixed name-generation so names are not maxed out at 999 (use newname)
feature: support any function or variable in MessageData, resized textbox
feature: size cfg window according to element
bug: add wait cursor to wizard builds
feature: update welcome page when entering
feature: add start and end candle to CIA
bug: test for null lists on selecteditems
bug: add exception around wizard exec
bug: change program level exception
feature: add UAC manifest to raise UAC
feature: add pick-lists (enumerations):
bug: add pick-list to functions parameters:
feature: add new wizard: Custom Indicator Analyzer (CIA)
bug: links not drawn correct if just close-sell function is chosen
bug: disable controls for trailing-stop if it is not selected
bug: check for system in memory before file-system, caused ‘entry not found’
bug: isFirst logic did not work (was always true)
feature: check all folder permissions on start and offer email if failed
feature: force increase of UAC to admin (in manifest file)
feature: set tool folders on startup if not already set (new thread)
feature: try to catch program level exception using new metho
bug: functions not found: functions were not written to the correct folder
bug: parameter values not saved correctly during save-as
bug: change name of desktop icon to ‘connect’
bug: change name of auto-gen ends to not be reserved words ‘true’ and ‘false’
feature: Add new function to trade menu: fnGetOrderInfo
feature: Add order selection UX to fnCloseOrder, fnModifyOrder and fnTrailingStop
bug: on InputManager, ‘name not allowed’ shown erroneously when opened
bug: indicator new name not updated in EA wizard trade-indicator step
bug: Maxtrade logic not implemented correctly
bug: Fix delete of element (remove object from DAL and file from file-system)
bug: Add newlines to chart comments
bug: Add tick value to chart
feature: Add timeout message to license verification
bug:Fixed named symbol bug on ordersend
feature: Add trail radio checkbox to stoploss on ordersend
bug: fixed var scope & datatype selection
bug: save-as did not clone elements properly
feature: Wizard-drawing mode support
feature: functions should build with defaults values if not saved
bug: platform functions do not appear on tree the same as other elements
bug: cust-indicator path was not set correctly
bug: setup files in test wizard not set correctly
feature: added shift parameter selection dialog
bug: fix input manager for adding new values
bug: fix trade time manager for exposing extern values
bug: fix sound files from message manager
bug: fix comment-dont-clear function on element message tab
feature: read and display package info from description file; load packages from 2 folders
feature: add trailing stop function
feature: add moving average of any indicator to function power tab
feature: add simple crossover strategy to package folder
feature: update enums for functions; added mamethods enumeration
bug: fix right-click treeview menu crash
bug: choose menu and expression editor menu disposed treeviews, created cloned treeviews
feature: improved license entry, added message to buy on start
feature: MQL-code functions support